Double standards by leftists and pseudo-liberals are promoting religious discrimination and supremacy.

Vikas Jain
6 min readApr 30, 2022

We all strongly believe that all human beings are equal. Therefore, we must condemn every act of discrimination, violence, and hate, irrespective of the the religion of victim or the perpetrator. On the other hand, pseudo-liberals are extremely selective in condemning violence, hate, and discrimination. The religion of the victim and perpetrator are the criteria that determine if they will stay in a silent mode or jump to a hysterical mode. They downplay large-scale violence, genocides, millions of refugees, and hate speeches when it doesn’t suit their political agendas.

The recent bill on Islamophobia is one such glaring example. Pseudo-liberals consider some as more equal than others and promote discrimination. Shouldn’t we fight against all acts of religious violence and hatred? Why are democrats being so selective?

Why are Yezidis, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jews, and people belonging to other religions lesser human beings in the eyes of our democrats?

Yezidis have faced horrendous atrocities and are one of the smallest minority groups. Still, a book club event where Nadia Murad, a Nobel laureate, a Yezidi woman, and a former sex enslaved person of ISIS, was planning to speak was canceled by the school board in Canada due to fear of “Islamophobia.”

Think. Aren’t pseudo-liberals suppressing free speech and falsely equating criticism of right-wing Islamist violence as hate against Islam or moderate Muslims? Aren’t moderate Muslims also suffering from extreme right-wing Islamist violence? America gave refuge to more than a hundred thousand Afghani Muslims who left their homes to escape persecution from the Taliban. They are our brothers and sisters from the Muslim community, escaping from the extreme right-wing Islamists. Unfortunately, this bill may be misused to suppress their voices as well.

More than 1.4 million children have been uprooted in the Nigerian region due to violence and genocide by Boko Haram. More than 2.5 million poor people (including the children mentioned above) have been forced to leave their homes and occupations to flee for their lives. Boko Haram has killed more than thirty thousand. Christians are facing the major brunt of the targeted killings by Boko Haram.

Aren’t democrats and pseudo-liberals treating the victims of right-wing Islamist violence as lesser human beings? Why are they tongue-tied in condemnation of right-wing Islamist violence? How many articles have you seen in the “liberal” or “left’ media about how are youth in dozens of terrorist organizations like Boko haram radicalized and what literature is used to radicalize them? The reporting on such right-wing violence is minuscule compared to the number of deaths and refugees.

We saw many protests in the USA against Israel after the May 2021 conflict between Hamas and Israel. How many protests have you seen against Boko Haram despite a much larger scale of killings and suffering to humanity? How many protests were organized by the “liberals” against Hamas, who repeatedly attacked Israel with bombs and missiles?

Your children can comfortably protest and speak up against white supremacy. However, they are uncomfortable and scared to vehemently condemn genocide and large-scale violence by right-wing Islamists. Why? They know that they will be chastised and labeled Islamophobes. Try organizing one such event and see what happens to you.

This “Islamophobia” bill will be misused to hound and silence organizations and human rights activists who would ask why the minority population in Bangladesh has reduced from 28 to 9% in the past few decades. Why are Sikhs and Hindus nearly “extinct” in Afghanistan now, while they were nearly seven hundred thousand Sikhs and Hindus in the 1970s? Why did the USA not take Sikhs and Hindus from Afghanistan as refugees while being persecuted by right-wing Islamists in the last two decades, and why was media coverage so minuscule about their plight?

A report from the committee to protect journalists said that 63 journalists were killed in Pakistan between 1992 and 2022. A Wall Street journalist, Daniel Pearl, was beheaded in Pakistan while covering terrorism. More than a thousand underage girls belonging to Christian, Hindu, and Sikh religions are abducted, forcefully converted, and married to their abductors. The Parliamentary panel in Pakistan refused to pass a bill to stop such forced conversions. Kavita was a 13-year-old Hindu girl whose abduction and conversion caught media attention in March 2021. After the media outrage, she was returned to her parents; however, her parent’s house was burnt, and Ajay Lalwani, a Hindu journalist who reported this case and exposed the forced conversion racket, was shot dead. Human rights activists and journalists are scared to report crimes against minorities in Pakistan. Many thousand people from minority religions have left Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh and taken refuge in India. How many stories and interviews about these persecuted minorities have made headlines in the so-called “Liberal” or “left” media?

1971 saw a genocide of 2–3 million people in Bangladesh at the hands of the Pakistani army and an exodus of more than 10 million people. Have you ever wondered why you have heard very little about it? A visit to the webpage on the 1971 Bengali Hindu genocide by the Hindu America Foundation would open your eyes. But unfortunately, our congress didn’t pass a resolution commemorating the genocide, which killed 2–3 million people but has passed a bill on combating Islamophobia that will be weaponized to silence and smear anyone who would speak up for the victims of right-wing Islamist violence and hate.

Slogans of convert to Islam, leave or die were blaring from the loudspeakers of the mosques in Kashmir in January 1990, leading to an exodus of nearly half-million Sikhs and Hindus. Exodus was preceded by similar posters in the local newspapers and years of multiple mass shootings and targeted gruesome killings of hundreds of minority Sikhs and Hindus. So why is Kashmir devoid of Christian, Buddhists, Hindus, and Sikhs?

Just in Pakistan, thousands of Shia Muslims have been killed due to the Shia-Sunni conflict. Our Muslim brothers and sisters are also victims of right-wing Islamist violence. We need to speak up for them too. People from all religious backgrounds have faced persecution and violence. My heart also cries for Rohingyas of Myanmar and Uyghur Muslims of China.

Pseudo-liberals spread hatred, fearmongering, division, and fake narratives by cherry-picking certain cases and sensationalizing them while hiding and severely underreporting other news which doesn’t fit their narratives. For example, have you noticed that the headlines of the pseudo-liberal media outlets explicitly mention the religion of the victims and perpetrators only in certain violent crimes, not in others?

You should do some research and pay attention to a pattern. The headlines of these newspapers will be inflammatory and explicitly mention the religion of the victims and perpetrators if the victims are Muslims. They will follow different standards if the perpetrators are Muslims. They won’t explicitly mention the religion of victims and perpetrators. The headlines will be in passive voice, and the first few paragraphs would tone down the crime or deflect the criticism, despite the much larger death toll and much larger frequency of deadly attacks worldwide. Only major incidents with bigger death tolls are covered. They will severely underreport the violence and hate crimes committed against people of other religions.

The biased reporting, hypocrisy, and double standards of pseudo-liberals are promoting an era of a new type of supremacism, in which certain people are more equal than others, based on religion.

We all are equal brothers and sisters despite different religious beliefs and faiths. We must focus on teaching our children and urging journalists and lawmakers that all human beings are equal, and ALL acts of violence and hatred must be condemned. Please call your senators to become more inclusive, vote against the Islamophobia bill, and bring a new bill that combats religious violence and hate against ALL HUMAN BEINGS.


